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(New page: Monday, December 10th, 2007, 7:00 PM Newell-Simon Hall, CMU = Agenda = # Reading and Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting # Officer Reports #...)
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Revision as of 19:55, 13 April 2008

Monday, December 10th, 2007, 7:00 PM Newell-Simon Hall, CMU


  1. Reading and Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
  2. Officer Reports
    1. Chair
    2. Vice Chair
    3. Secretary
    4. Treasurer
    5. Member at Large
  3. Committee Reports
    1. Program
    2. Public Relations
    3. Internet
    4. Investigating
    5. Newsletter
    6. ErieLUG
  4. Unfinished Business
  5. New Business

Items for Discussion


Call to order at 7:33pm

  1. Minutes from November board meeting were approved.
    1. Corrections: (THERE ARE TWO, ask Dave)
  2. Officer Reports
    1. Chair
      1. No new business to report.
    2. Vice Chair
      1. Interviewed for Post Gazette article "Wal-Mart, Dell offers help breathe new life into Linux" by Elwin Green. Article Good exposure for FOSS and WPLUG.
    3. Secretary - Absent
    4. Treasurer
      1. Reprint Apr & May 2007 statements received, Jun 2007 statement still missing
      2. Two pending checks, Vance and Patrick Wagstrom reimbursements
      3. Two deposits: $94 cash, $18.64 check from coins
      4. Cash on hand $291.00
      5. Beth Lynn has Dec GUM refreshment funds and report
      6. Debit Card application to be submitted, DONE 12/11
    5. Member at Large
      1. Linode virtual host is SLOW, referred to Internet Committee
      2. Internet Committee Side-Bar
        1. Spam Assassin may kill virtual host, proposed to stress test.
        2. Proposal to remove list moderation and drop non-subscribed incoming mail (SPAM)
  3. Committee Reports
    1. Program (Ted Rodgers)
      1. LDAP Authentication presentation by B. Skrekeli for Jan 2008 GUM
      2. Pgh Tech Council offered to list WPLUG events on calendar, Ted to contact PTC for details.
    2. PR
      1. Dave Kraus to send letter(s) to local high schools and colleges extending an invite to WPLUG InstallFests, etc.
      2. Reach-out to community groups offering Linux/FOSS demostrations.
    3. Internet
      1. (See above side-bar)
      2. Apache redirects on virtual host need work, Dave Kraus
      3. Need a Postfix and Mailman expert to help with mail migration
      4. Proposed to enable email confirmation on new MediaWiki configuration to enable editing of WPLUG wiki.
    4. Investigating
      1. No new business to report.
    5. Newsletter
      1. December issue of TOP to include review from Patrick Wagstrom.
    6. ErieLUG revival
      1. No new business to report.
  4. Unfinished Business
    1. None
  5. New Business
    1. WPLUG Goals
      1. Jabber will not be implemented, strike from goals list.
      2. No current interest in Podcasts and LinuxRadioLive, strike from goals list.
      3. Tiered Membership, WPLUG is not yet ready.
    2. Installfest router needs replaced:
      1. Proposed, voted and approved motion for $60 to Ted Rodgers to purchase and configure a new COTS router for Installfests
    3. Discussion on implementing a router/file server appliance for use at Installfests, provides local copies of popular distros decreasing traffic on CMU network.
    4. Need to get WPLUG committees moving
      1. Get reports from committee chairs
      2. Committees to establish roles, get members involved.
      3. January GUM: Invite membership, recruit volunteers, define roles/tasks, setup meetings.

(Vance and Mike to notify membership)

    1. Standard Operating Procedures
      1. New Membership, etc.
      2. Mike Semcheski to report at Jan 2008 board meeting
  1. Adjourned 10:14p