
Revision as of 02:28, 1 July 2009 by FeiRuoWa (talk | contribs) (I wrote it!)
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Hi! I´m not actually a member at this point, but maybe some day. Any of you who know me probably met me when I tried to install several different variants of Slovak-language linux on a computer that turned out to have a dead CPU /and/ motherboard. Not the best first impression, but...oh, well. I do intend to come back at some point :D Right now, I´m getting ready to leave the country, though, for dance.

I´m a Slovak folk dancer (with PAS). I´m still in high school, and a member of far more teams, clubs, and other activities than any living being could manage without extreme sleep deprivation. I don´t sleep. I love languages, and know a few of them. Most of my programs are in Slovak, and I´m helping my friend with various foreign-language translations of error messages for his Java TwitterBot. This is my IRC nick, too, and I´m on there rather a lot. I like talking to people, so if you want to know something you should just send me a query or say hi or something of that sort.

PS. If anybody knows anything about userboxen usage on this wiki, pm me please ;) Ty!